Oral Histories

Fish, Barbara

Biographical Sketch:

Topical Index:
I. Childhood, Education, and Residency: the Ethical Culture School; early love of science; college; summer camp; NYU medical school; mentors; experiences as a resident in adult psychiatry.

II. Child Psychiatry and Starting the Longitudinal Infant Study: experiences as a resident in child psychiatry; Bender’s ideas about development; psychoanalytic training at the White Institute; starting the well-baby study and the state hospital baby study; stories of some of the children; differences in psychiatric theory in the 1950s.

III. Pharmacological and Psychiatric Research at Bellevue: Return to Bellevue; the child psychiatry program there; funding sources; stories of the study children and long-term follow-up; systematic drug studies of children; developing a descriptive typology; working with colleagues; some comments on her life today.

IV. Organizational Work and Research in New York: Continuing discussion of the longitudinal infant study; funding sources and NIMH support; Early days of the ACNP; working with ACNP colleagues; concerns about deinstitutionalization; organizing mental health services for children in New York; continuing discussion of the drug and typology studies.

V. Move to California and Working at UCLA: Recruited to UCLA; working with UCLA colleagues; the concept of pandysmaturation; differences between New York and UCLA; carving out her niche.

VI. Closing Comments: Mood disorders; recent changes in mental health training and services at UCLA; reminiscences of her marriage, husband, and stepchildren.

Interview History:
Dr. Fish was interviewed at her home in Los Angeles by Elizabeth Bromley and Marcia Meldrum on September 11 and September 25, 2008. The interview lasted for approximately 5.5 hours. The transcript was audit-edited by Dr. Meldrum and will be reviewed by Dr. Fish prior to its accession by the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Oral History Collection. The tape and transcript are in the public domain, by agreement with the oral author. The preferred citation for excerpts from this interview is: Oral History Interview with Barbara Fish, 11 September and 25 September 2008, ACNP Oral History of Neuropsychopharmacology Collection, History & Special Collections Division, Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library, University of California, Los Angeles.


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Long Infant Study Data