Oral Histories

Gershon, Sam

Biographical Sketch:
Dr. Samuel Gershon joined the faculty at the University of Pittsburgh in April 1988, as Associate Vice Chancellor for Research in the Health Sciences, and Associate Research Director for the Neurosciences in the Department of Psychiatry. He stepped down from this position in 1995 and assumed the position of Chairman of the University of Pittsburgh, Institutional Review Board. Dr. Gershon’s career as a psychiatrist and investigator spans more that 45 years. During this time he has published more than 600 writings and has won several prestigious awards including, among others, the Pfizer Scholarship for Medical Research Overseas and the American Psychiatric Association’s Rush Gold Medal Award. His area of specific interest and work encompasses psychopharmacological interest in various psychiatric areas. He is currently the Co-Editor of Bipolar Disorders – An International Journal of Psychiatry and Neurosciences and has been since its inception in 1998. He is also a founding Councilor of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders and was elected as President in 2001.

Topical Index:

Interview History:

Dates: Dec-95
Interviewer: Jerome Levine

Dates: Dec-99
Interviewer: T.Ban

