Oral Histories

Hippius, Hans

Biographical Sketch:
Hanns Hippius is Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at the University of Munich, Germany. He studied medicine and chemistry at universities in Freiburg, Marburg and Berlin. After two years as a research assistant at the Institute of Experimental Medicine in Marburg, Hippius moved to Berlin in 1952, where he completed his training in psychiatry, neurology and laboratory medicine. He worked as a clinician and was the chief of the research laboratory at the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology at the Free University Berlin. Hippius became Professor of Psychiatry and Chairman of the newly founded Department of Psychiatry at the Berlin University in 1968. From 1971 until 1994, he was Professor of Psychiatry at the Munich University, Chairman of the Department and Director of the Munich hospital. Hippius was one of the founding members of the Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum, of which he was made president in 1972.

Topical Index:

Interview History:

Dates: 4-Jun
Interviewer: .Tone

